Monday, October 02, 2006

new artist on the block..

i was mad like crazy last week..because somebody or some boys rather has choose my car to show their abilties as an artist..drawing (scratches..deep one) was found on my car bonnet and doors..and this boys use steel as their chosen the arts are permanent on my car..unless of cause i send my car for that will cost me few hundreds dollar..i knew this was done by some school kids waiting for theirs scholl bus in front of my car parked in front of my porch not big enough to park both my cars inside..feeling like punching those kids, i was a naughty boy before but never did i ruin other people property.

i felt like talking to the boy parents..but i knew this is not a good idea..every parents will try to prove their children innocent and this could lead to not so nice i just let all this out of my head..maybe after few days this scratches will grow on me and i just might like it..the problem is the drawing represent the symbol of the hell will fall in love with NAZI...

maybe next year i paint my car...if i got moneyla!

1 comment:

abe jol said...

oorr why not u continue the artwork all over its what..who cares..